Offering exceptional features such as water-resistance, moisture management and advanced heat retention, HEAT-MX™ is an innovative thermal insulation material that keeps you both warm and comfortable even during the toughest weather conditions. Engineered to perform whether you’re facing light, medium or heavy levels of activity, HEAT-MX™ has also been awarded ISPO’s Top of Innovation Awards in recognition of its clean recyclable technologies and advocacy for the Clean Recycling Initiative™

Absolute™ features HEAT-MX™ thermal insulation in all our youth, women’s, and men’s footwear products.



Thin profile and dense fiber structure with proprietary LRTD™ (Long-Range Thermal Dynamics) technology.


HEAT-MX™ offers many important technical features in its products to benefit the environment, including CLEAN RECYCLING INITIATIVE™, CLEANLY-RECYCLED and CLEANLY-RECYCLABLE technologies. HEAT-MX's commitment for the environment has been recognized by ISPO TOP OF INNOVATION AWARDS.


HEAT-MX™ provides the highest level of water repellency of its kind to help protect water penetration from outside towards the body. This technical feature also contributes to the moisture management within its structure and help people feel comfortable even in wet environment.


As the basis of all HEAT-MX™ products, LRTD™ (Long Range Thermal Dynamics technology efficiently traps and conserves body heat. Thanks to this innovative technology feature, HEAT-MX™ products offer superior and long-lasting warmth.